Posts: 1
(7/7/01 4:12:02 am)
Hail Adventurers, and welcome to the 1st episode of FANSY THE FAMOUS BARD!
I've noticed something wrong about Norrath. There are a heck of a lot of bad guys.. almost everyone I see looks at me threateningly. Why are there so many bad people? Evil shaman, evil monks, evil bards, evil clerics, and evil newts. (ooc: perhaps because they are evil IRL)
I've tried hard to make friends, but nobody wants to be a friend. They're too busy being evil. That makes me sad :(
[Wed Jul 04 21:33:20 2001] You say out of character, 'look out a train of monsters! AAAH'
[Wed Jul 04 21:33:27 2001] You say out of character, 'like a normal train but with monsters!'
[Wed Jul 04 21:33:34 2001] You say out of character, 'instead of engines, cars, cabooses, etc.'
(A group of bad guys were sitting in front of the orc camp. I helped pull!)
[Thu Jul 05 00:18:22 2001] You begin casting Shock of Frost.
[Thu Jul 05 00:18:23 2001] Your target resisted the Shock of Frost spell.
[Thu Jul 05 00:18:24 2001] You say, 'INC'
[Thu Jul 05 00:18:39 2001] Vehementer begins to cast a spell.
[Thu Jul 05 00:18:41 2001] Orc legionnaire slashes YOU for 24 points of damage.
[Thu Jul 05 00:18:41 2001] You have been slain by orc legionnaire!
I died in the middle of the group, with about 6 orcs on me. Vehementer tried to mez them, but they killed him after I died :( He was angry even tho it wasnt my fault. He's just evil i guess!
[Thu Jul 05 00:19:35 2001] Vehementer tells you, 'nice ass hole'
[Thu Jul 05 00:19:46 2001] You told Vehementer, 'Thanks! I'm a virgin'
[Thu Jul 05 00:20:45 2001] Vehementer tells you, 'you're a fucking idiot'
[Thu Jul 05 00:20:59 2001] You told Vehementer, 'such language!'
[Thu Jul 05 00:21:09 2001] Vehementer tells you, 'such idiocy'
[Thu Jul 05 00:21:11 2001] You told Vehementer, 'Were you the enchanter? Which one were you?'
[Thu Jul 05 00:21:21 2001] Vehementer tells you, 'I'm your worst nightmere'
[Thu Jul 05 00:21:29 2001] You told Vehementer, 'OK RAMBO'
I finished the quest to get my tunic and the trumpets played.
[Thu Jul 05 00:22:22 2001] You shout, 'I won the game!'
[Thu Jul 05 00:22:43 2001] You shout, 'I found the end to EQ and I won! Congrats fansy!'
[Thu Jul 05 00:22:55 2001] Icedeciever says out of character, 'LOL'
[Thu Jul 05 00:23:00 2001] Kablewey says out of character, 'LOL'
[Thu Jul 05 00:23:01 2001] Niiel says out of character, 'on ignore fansy'
[Thu Jul 05 00:23:04 2001] Shralok says out of character, 'YAY fansy'
[Thu Jul 05 00:23:07 2001] Bodyjack shouts, 'shut upp fansy '
[Thu Jul 05 00:23:09 2001] You say out of character, 'thanks!'
[Thu Jul 05 00:23:10 2001] Blarey says out of character, 'lol :)'
[Thu Jul 05 00:23:18 2001] Icedeciever shouts, 'GRATZ FANSY'
[Thu Jul 05 00:23:26 2001] Esrom shouts, 'You would think the name of the game would be a no brainer.. EVERQuest'
[Thu Jul 05 00:23:28 2001] Xqixx shouts, 'aww i didnt get to play :('
[Thu Jul 05 00:23:37 2001] Blarey shouts, 'GRATZ FANSY ON BEING THE BIGGED FAGGOT IN THE GAME !!!~~~'
[Thu Jul 05 00:23:47 2001] Kablewey shouts, 'lol'
[Thu Jul 05 00:23:55 2001] Nizzar shouts, 'good job pansy'
[Thu Jul 05 00:24:33 2001] Gubza says out of character, 'did you have to train hard to be this much of a dumbass fansy ? or is it natural ?'
[Thu Jul 05 00:24:40 2001] Bodyjack shouts, 'fansy your going to die a lot'
This guy tried to cast a spell on me but it said I was protected! Thank Mirthanal Morr! I warned the zone that he's an evil PK but NOBODY CARED!
[Thu Jul 05 00:51:20 2001] You say out of character, 'Shralok is a PK'
[Thu Jul 05 00:51:39 2001] Rekuul says out of character, 'omg! a pk! on this server? no!'
[Thu Jul 05 00:51:39 2001] Dawiza shouts, 'arn't we all'
[Thu Jul 05 00:51:45 2001] Kablewey says out of character, 'lol'
[Thu Jul 05 00:51:59 2001] Shralok says out of character, 'i don't know what your talkin about i'm not even high enough TO attak ppl yet'
[Thu Jul 05 00:52:01 2001] You say out of character, 'I am a PVPER not a PK, I like fair fights unlike SHRALOK who uses cheap tactics like kiling when ur low health'
[Thu Jul 05 00:52:13 2001] Peptoh shouts, 'lmao welcome to PvP'
[Thu Jul 05 00:52:31 2001] Velael says out of character, 'this is war.....not chivalrous dueling'
[Thu Jul 05 00:52:33 2001] You say out of character, 'If you keep attacking me when i'm low on health I'll petition you'
[Thu Jul 05 00:52:42 2001] Weregild says out of character, 'lol fansy'
[Thu Jul 05 00:52:49 2001] Peptoh shouts, 'HAHA'
[Thu Jul 05 00:52:53 2001] Weregild says out of character, 'you've done this same routine in at least 4 zones'
[Thu Jul 05 00:53:00 2001] Peptoh shouts, 'and the GMs will laugh at you'
[Thu Jul 05 00:53:00 2001] Velael says out of character, 'that's the funniest thing i've heard all night'
[Thu Jul 05 00:53:19 2001] Tubblez says out of character, 'Get outta my zone Fansy you stalker!'
[Thu Jul 05 00:53:28 2001] Dawiza shouts, 'joo sayin he is a GREIFER'
[Thu Jul 05 00:53:34 2001] Shralok says out of character, 'yea fansy GET OUTA here'
I tried talking to the ppls to get to know them better, but as you can see here THEY ARE EVIL so they dont want to chat.
[Thu Jul 05 01:55:39 2001] You auction, 'A/S/L?'
[Thu Jul 05 01:55:54 2001] You say out of character, '14/M here, any hot girls wanna chat?'
[Thu Jul 05 01:56:00 2001] Ashbastak says out of character, 'wtf '
[Thu Jul 05 01:56:04 2001] Kordesh says out of character, 'qqbody qsnts eo dhey wdtn a pokom k'
[Thu Jul 05 01:56:05 2001] Ashbastak says out of character, 'LEAVE '
[Thu Jul 05 01:56:05 2001] Raijen says out of character, 'fansy u trying ot get girls in EQ?'
[Thu Jul 05 01:56:05 2001] Mantras says out of character, 'LOL HAHAHAHAHA'
[Thu Jul 05 01:56:07 2001] Raijen says out of character, 'ROFL'
[Thu Jul 05 01:56:18 2001] Quik says out of character, 'LEAVE NOW'
[Thu Jul 05 01:56:20 2001] Ashbastak says out of character, 'DONT SPEAK'
[Thu Jul 05 01:56:22 2001] Quik says out of character, 'TURN OFF YER COMP'
[Thu Jul 05 01:56:23 2001] Ashbastak says out of character, 'LEAVE'
[Thu Jul 05 01:56:28 2001] Pyrro says out of character, 'get out'
[Thu Jul 05 01:56:36 2001] Ashbastak says out of character, 'PULL A TOASTER INTO THE BATHTUB WITH YOURSELF'
[Thu Jul 05 01:56:41 2001] Pyrro says out of character, 'not the place for such a thing'
[Thu Jul 05 01:56:44 2001] Kordesh says out of character, 'ihen unplug wt'
[Thu Jul 05 01:56:45 2001] Healies says out of character, 'onh ask svun s likd fin!'
[Thu Jul 05 01:16:38 2001] You say out of character, 'You ppls need to speak comon I can't undestand you'
[Thu Jul 05 01:16:53 2001] Markith says out of character, 'theyre saying Fansy rocks!'
[Thu Jul 05 01:16:57 2001] You say out of character, 'Yes!'
[Thu Jul 05 01:17:10 2001] You say out of character, 'Are they hot chicks?'
Look I'm wearing a green vest
The evils were all over N Ro, so I made a deal with the giants!
[Fri Jul 06 22:41:52 2001] Your feet move faster.
[Fri Jul 06 22:41:55 2001] You shout, 'Welcome, You've Got Mail!'
[Fri Jul 06 22:41:58 2001] A sand giant slashes Emotionless for 88 points of damage.
[Fri Jul 06 22:41:58 2001] A sand giant hits Emotionless for 94 points of damage.
[Fri Jul 06 22:41:58 2001] Emotionless has been slain by a sand giant!
[Fri Jul 06 22:41:58 2001] Your feet move faster.
[Fri Jul 06 22:42:14 2001] You shout, 'Giants love the good guys! Hooray!'
[Fri Jul 06 22:42:46 2001] Mauvaise shouts, 'they are big and ugly so whats that say about the good guys'
Here are some mean things evils say, so you know right away they dont want to be friends :(
[Fri Jul 06 22:42:31 2001] Siraaj says out of character, 'Is Fansy level 6+?'
[Fri Jul 06 22:42:42 2001] Kordesh says out of character, 'LOL he woulden't dare he's to pussy'
[Fri Jul 06 22:37:48 2001] Npus shouts, 'ROFL it's fansy, he's uber lame, last night he was training ppl in EC, and he tried to train shadow wolfs... and they killed him ROFL'
[Thu Jul 05 00:14:39 2001] Blarey says out of character, 'heh pvp is made so we can kill faggots like fansy ;)'
[Thu Jul 05 19:49:04 2001] Kailkhan shouts, 'what a gay name'
[Thu Jul 05 19:58:38 2001] Proximall says out of character, 'Fansy is homosexual'
[Thu Jul 05 19:58:44 2001] Bigtrain shouts, 'fansy the pansy lol'
[Thu Jul 05 05:07:55 2001] Kablewey shouts, 'fansy you suck plain and simple your too gay to actually play'
[Thu Jul 05 05:12:34 2001] Zarlaxle says out of character, 'fansy wears his grandma's undies'
[Fri Jul 06 22:39:13 2001] Kordesh shouts, 'why do I think Fansy is just some guy from another country who can only speek various american catch phrases sutch as "You've got mail" and "Gotta catch em all"'
In closing I just want to say that evils are the most trendy guys to be, and I really hate trendy people because they shop at abrecrombie while the kewl ppls (read GOOD TEAM) like me shop at rebelious places like hot topic.
Tavern Regular
Posts: 216
(7/7/01 11:30:34 am)
Fansy must really care about us, spending all his time posting these logs and pics. Our lol's and haha's mean a lot to him, so give him all you can spare, even if it's not funny !
Posts: 2
(7/7/01 11:56:29 am)
Yes my audience, keep the lols, rofls, and lmaos coming, they mean much to me as each one makes my name more renowned and respected amongst the good aligned citizens of Norrath (specifically my homies in Freeport).
Oppose the train with your self rightousness all you want, but you have to admit Sand Giants can be wonderful creatures. Here is a poem I wrote for them: (keep in mind it's a personal poem just for the giants and I. It wasn't meant for outsiders to read, but since I've been accepted so well here I will share it)
Sand Giant so big
Sand Giant so strong
You keep the bad guy out of the sand
And with 10 of you its a marching band
Evil clerics drop with no pain
And your face is beautiful, like Saddam Hussein
- Fansy
Level 5 Troubledoor
Finished Everquest 7/05/01 (but I keep playing anyway)